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Los Gatos Little League

Welcome to Los Gatos Little League where sportsmanship is the most important lesson we teach on the field.  Please help us create a positive environment for our community. 
Please let the coaches coach.  They are parent volunteers donating their time.

Let the players play. They are kids and baseball is a game.

Let the Umpires officiate. They are human. Respect their decisions.

As a fan, be supportive and encouraging.  Praise good effort, despite the outcome of the game.


LGLL works hard to ensure every player has a positive baseball experience and learns the importance of good sportsmanship in all aspects of the game.   In support of this effort,  LGLL partners with Positive Coaching Alliance to hold workshops and coaching sessions for all parents and coaches.

We highly encourage all LGLL parents to take part in our annual  session with Positive Coaching Alliance: The Second-Goal Parent® Developing Winners in Life Through Sports. The session will be held via zoom from 6:30-7:30pm. Details below: 

Topic: Los Gatos Little League - Second-Goal Parent®
Date and Time: Feb 1, 2023 06:30 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Positive Coaching Alliance: The Second-Goal Parent® Developing Winners in Life Through Sports

Everyone wants to win. That’s the first goal in sports. But in youth and high school sports there is a second, more important goal: teaching life lessons through sports. In this workshop, sports parents learn why and how to focus on that second goal.

This workshop guides parents in:
-Assessing their children’s goals and desires in youth sports in comparison with their own
-How to talk with your child about practices, games and what they are learning through sports
-How to enact and reinforce PCA’s major principles: Mastery of Sport (Not Just Scoreboard Results), which values effort, learning and bouncing back from mistakes and adversity; Filling Emotional Tanks, with the correct mix of truthful, specific praise and constructive criticism; and Honoring the Game through appropriate sideline behavior and interaction with coaches.

For more information visit Positive Coaching Alliance

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