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Los Gatos Little League

Local Rules


(Approved by LGLL Board Vote on February 15th, 2024; these rules shall be in effect for the 2024 season)


These regulations are approved local rulings and interpretations of The Official Regulations, Little League Baseball (Majors) Division, Minor League Baseball, Tee Ball Baseball, Junior League Baseball, Senior League Baseball, and Big League Baseball (LL Regulations).  Where LL Regulations give the local league a choice over certain regulations, these regulations specify the choice made by Los Gatos Little League.

These regulations do not supersede LL Regulations.  As a chartered league of Little League Baseball, we are bound to follow LL Regulations.  These regulations must be read in a manner that makes them consistent with LL Regulations. Official Little League rules can be found on the Little League website

These regulations are not numbered sequentially.  Rather, each regulation is numbered to correspond to the LL Regulation addressed.



(c) APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  Los Gatos Little League establishes the following age structures for players:

  • The Junior Division is open to players of Little League age 13-15 (15yr olds are not eligible to pitch).

  • Little League (Majors) Division:  Majors is open to players of Little League age 9-12.  In accordance with Regulation V(a), all 12 year olds will be drafted onto a Majors team unless a Minor League team is requested by a player’s parent and approved by the Los Gatos Little League Board of Directors and the District Administrator.  Players of Little League age 10 and 11 will be considered only if they participate in Majors tryouts.

  • Minor League:

    • AAA is open to players of Little League age 9-11.  A player of Little League age 12 may also play in AAA if, in accordance with Regulation V(a), requested by a player’s parent and approved by the Los Gatos Little League Board of Directors and the District Administrator.  In accordance with Regulation VI(j), players of Little League age 12 are not eligible to pitch in AAA.  Players will be considered only if they participate in AAA tryouts.

    • AA is open to players of Little League age 7-9.  

    • Coach Pitch-Single A is open to players of Little League age 6-8.  6-year olds must have had one (1) year of experience in T-Ball. A player of Little League age 9 may also play in A if approved by the Los Gatos Little league President and VP of Operations. 

    • Tee Ball:  Tee Ball is open to players of Little League age 5-6.  Los Gatos Little League adopts the option, under General Information, Divisions of Play, to include players of Little League age 7 with no prior baseball experience.



(i) Los Gatos Little League adopts the following minimum play requirements that exceed those established by Little League Baseball:

•       Majors:  Every player on a team roster will participate in each game for a minimum of nine (9) defensive outs and bat at least one (1) time.  The defensive outs can be nonconsecutive. Majors division will adopt Continuous Batting Order (CBO), batting all available players, through the entire regular season and playoffs.

•       AAA:  Every player on a team roster will participate in each game for a minimum of four (4) defensive innings, one of those innings in the infield. For AAA, “infield” is defined as Pitcher, Catcher, Shortstop, First Base, Second Base, or Third Base.

•       AA:  For each game, no player on a team roster may sit out two consecutive innings nor may any player sit out more than two innings total.  Every player must play at least one inning in the infield. For AA, “infield” is defined as Pitcher, Catcher (for kid pitch innings), Shortstop, First Base, Second Base, or Third Base.

•       CP-Single A:  For each game, each player must play at least one inning in the infield. For Single A, “infield” is defined as Pitcher, Shortstop, First Base, Second Base, or Third Base.If the game is shortened for any reason, and that prevents a player from getting playing time in the infield, that player shall start in the infield for the next physically played game.

•       Tee Ball - Coaches may decide to put all player in the infield during defensive inning.


(e) APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  Los Gatos Little League designates the official scorekeeper the Home Teams Scorekeeper) as the pitch count recorder.  The scorekeeper may delegate pitch count authority to another adult.  If the scorekeeper makes such a designation, he/she shall notify the umpire-in-chief for the game.

(l) APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  Los Gatos Little League imposes the following additional pitching restrictions:

•       Majors:  No pitcher shall pitch more than 6 innings against any given team during the regular season.

•       AAA: No pitcher shall pitch more than 6 innings against any given team during the regular season.

•       AA: AA division will be kid pitch for the first two (2) innings of every game. Coach/Adult pitching will start at the beginning of the 3rd inning. Coaches must pitch with one foot in contact with the pitchers mound at all times. 



(i) Minor League and Tee Ball:  Los Gatos Little League imposes the following time limits for its Minor League and Tee Ball divisions:

•       AAA:  No inning shall begin after 105 minutes (1 hour and 45 minutes) have elapsed after first pitch. If a regular season game is tied and the time limit has been met, the game ends in a tie. This rule is in place to prevent marathon games on school nights, to preserve pitching, and to keep our very large schedule in tact. 

•       AA: No inning shall begin after ninety (90) minutes have elapsed after first pitch. If a regular season game is tied anthe time limit has been met, the game ends in a tie. This rule is in place to prevent marathon games on school nights, to preserve pitching, and to keep our very large schedule in tact. 

•       CP/Single A:  No inning shall begin after seventy-five (75) minutes have elapsed after the official scheduled start time.  No game may continue after ninety (90) minutes after the officially scheduled start time:  play will immediately cease even if an inning is in progress or if the game is tied.

•       T-Ball:  No inning shall begin after fifty (50) minutes have elapsed after the official scheduled start time.  No game may continue after sixty (60) minutes from the officially scheduled start time:  play will immediately cease even if an inning is in progress or if the game is tied.



(a) APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  It will be considered unsportsmanlike conduct for any manager, coach, or player to make safe or out calls during a play.  It will be considered unsportsmanlike conduct to make ball, strike, illegal pitch or any other call that is the responsibility of an umpire.

APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  If there is a following game on the same field, any post-game meetings must be held outside the playing field or dugout.




These playing rules are approved local rulings and interpretations of The Official Playing Rules, Little League Baseball (Majors) Division, Minor League Baseball, Tee Ball Baseball, Junior League Baseball, Senior League Baseball, and Big League Baseball (LL Rules).  Where LL Rules give the local league a choice over certain rules, these rules specify the choice made by Los Gatos Little League.

These rules do not supersede LL Rules.  As a chartered league of Little League Baseball, we are bound to follow LL Rules.  These rules must be read in a manner that makes them consistent with LL Rules.

These rules are not numbered sequentially.  Rather, each rule is numbered to correspond to the LL Rule addressed.



1.01 – NOTE:  Competitive Minor Leagues and above may only use nine (9) players on defense. Non-competitive leagues may elect to play 10 (or more) players on defense. Noncompetitive leagues may elect to disallow bunting and stealing.

APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  AA, Coach-Pitch and T-Ball are non-competitive leagues.  See Rule 3.17. 

APPROVED LOCAL RULING: Permits teams to start games with eight (8) players on each team. See Rule 4.16 and 4.17



An INNING ….  (Minor League Only – a five-run limit is to be imposed, which would complete the half inning) as described below

APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  For all Minor League divisions, no more than five (5) runs may be recorded in any half inning in which the five-run limit is imposed.  

NOTE 1:  For example, if a batter gets a  hit that drives in multiple runs, no more than the fifth run shall be recorded.  

NOTE 2:  The five-run limit shall not be imposed on the sixth inning or any extra innings within time limits of game. Only the 6th inning and any extra inning will be considered unlimited (ie there will be no determination by a manager or umpire that any inning other than the 6th and beyond innings are unlimited innings). During the final declared inning a team may only bat once through their lineup. Once the final eligible batter has batted, the inning is over as soon as the play is completed. If lineups are not even (eg. one team bats 12 and the other only has 11) the team with fewer members in their lineup will be able to bat as many as the opposing team. (eg. Team A has 12 batters, batter 1 through 11 reach base, batter 12 will be able to complete their at bat; Team B has 11 batters, batter 1 through 11 will bat and batter 1 will be able to bat as the final batter of the inning. 

An OUT ….  

APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  For CP-Single A, no outs shall be recorded.  However, any runner or batter-runner that would be out under the rules of Little League Baseball shall retire.

APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  For Tee Ball, no outs shall be recorded, and no runner shall retire even if a runner or batter-runner would be out under the rules of Little League Baseball.



3.01 – APPROVED LOCAL RULING: For AAA and AA games, if the umpire is late or an umpire has not been scheduled, coaches are responsible for umpiring.

For AA: A coach from the team on defense shall keep count of pitches and make all calls on the field. APPROVED LOCAL RULING: For AA games, no new inning shall be started if there are less than 10 minutes remaining before the start of a following game.

For AAA: Each team will appoint a parent or coach as umpire. This umpire may call balls and strikes from behind the pitchers mound. 


3.13 – The Local League will establish ground rules to be followed by all teams in the league.

APPROVED LOCAL RULINGS for ground rules:  

Balzer and Baggerly Fields

  •   Any tree branches overhanging the field are out of play.

AA Field

  • The boundaries of the first and third base sides of the field are the long fences extended. 

  • Balls that go beyond these invisible lines are out of play.

  • The blacktop area, picnic area, and playground beyond right field are out of play.  Fair balls that reach this area on the fly are home runs.  Any other fair balls that reach this area are ground rule doubles.

  • If the AA fence is in place (Saturday Games and Playoffs) the fence will be treated as written in LL Rule Book. 

  • All balls hit to left field are in play.  There is no fence, barrier or area that is out of play. Note:  If the softball field puts up a temporary fence for their field, any ball that goes over or through that fence will be out of play.

  • The boundaries of the first and third base sides of the field are the long fences extended.  Balls that go beyond these invisible lines are out of play.

  • The trees on the right field side are a special consideration.  The trunks are in play.  The branches are out of play.

3.17 – APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  AA is a non-competitive league.  Teams in AA may field ten (10) defensive players.  However, not more than six (6) may take positions in the infield.

APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  Coach-Pitch/Single A is a  non-competitive league.  All players may be given a defensive position.  However, not more than six (6) may take positions in the infield.

APPROVED LOCAL RULING: Tee Ball is a non-competitive league. All players may play the infield in an inning. Pitchers are recommended to wear a helmet. 


4.04 – APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  The Majors division will  adopt the option of continuous batting order (CBO) during the regular season. Managers will have the option to use CBO OR 9 player batting order during the LGLL post season .  All other divisions shall adopt continuous batting order. 

4.10 – 

(e)   APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  No division shall adopt the Ten Run Rule.


APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  T-Ball games shall last for three (3) innings or 60 minutes, whichever comes first.


4.16 -  APPROVED LOCAL RULING: A game may not be started with less than eight (8) players on each team.


4.17 -  APPROVED LOCAL RULING: A game may not be continued with less than eight (8) players on each team.






6.02(c) - APPROVED LOCAL RULING: After entering the batter’s box, the batter must remain in the box with at least one foot through the at bat. Exceptions apply ber rule 6.02(c)


6.05 – APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  For Majors, Rule 6.05 (b)(2) is in effect. A batter is out when a third strike is not caught by the catcher when first base is occupied before two are out; LGLL does not elect to use the option of using the Minor League rule for the Majors division.


6.05 – Approved Local Ruling: A batter is out when – When a league permits teams to start and play games with eight (8) players, teams may skip over the ninth (9th) position without penalty. 


6.05 – APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  For AA, in addition to the means that a batter is out, a batter facing his manager or coach as pitcher is out if he fails to put the ball in play by the fifth pitch.  See 


6.05 – APPROVED LOCAL RULING: Infield fly only applies to Junior, Majors, and AAA divisions. For AA, Single A and Tee Ball, the infield fly rule does not apply.


6.08 –  

(a) APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  Batters shall receive not more than five pitches from their coach or manager.  See APPROVED LOCAL RULING on Rule 6.05.   


6.08(a) APPROVED LOCAL RULING: However, if such a batter swings and fouls off what would have been the last pitch of his at bat, he is entitled to an additional pitch.  No at-bat will end on a swinging foul ball. 


NOTE 1:  Nothing in this rule relieves the manager of his duty to ensure that one adult at all times is in the dugout (Rule 4.05(2)).


NOTE 2:  Nothing in this rule allows any team to have more than one manager and two coaches (Rule 1.01).


NOTE 3:  A manager or coach that delivers a pitch to his batter will do so in accordance with Rule 8.  No pitch from a manager or coach may be delivered underhanded.


NOTE 4:  The same pitcher can return to the mound to pitch the following inning.

APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  For CP-Single A, in addition to the means by which a batter may become a runner, the batter becomes a runner and is entitled to first base without liability to be put out (provided said runner advances to and touches first base) when – 

  • The batter has received five pitches.  However, if a batter swings and fouls off what would have been the fifth pitch of his at bat, he is entitled to an additional pitch.  No at-bat will end on a swinging foul ball.



7.08(a) - APPROVED LOCAL RULING: For CP/Single A, and T-ball, sliding is prohibited. 


7.13 – APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  For AA, CP/Single A, and T-Ball, no runner may advance until the ball is put into play by the batter. (NO STEALING)




9.01 – 

APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  For CP-Single A and T-Ball, managers and coaches on the field shall serve as umpires for the game.


9.03 – 

(b) APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  For CP-Single 'A and T-Ball, whichever coach or manager that currently pitches to the batter, or manages the tee shall serve as umpire-in-chief for purposes of determining when to call “Time” and when to call “Play”.


9.03 – 

(d) APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  For AAA, the home team is responsible for providing an official score keeper. When an adult umpire is not present, this score keeper shall also be designated as the Game Coordinator to meet the requirements of rule 9.03 (d). The game coordinator shall sit in the bleachers behind home plate. The youth plate umpire shall not start the game until the Game Coordinator has been designated. The Game Coordinator shall attend the pre-game plate meeting per rule.

(d) APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  For AA, the home team is responsible for providing the Game Coordinator to meet the requirements of rule 9.03 (d). The game coordinator shall sit in the bleachers behind home plate. The youth plate umpire shall not start the game until the Game Coordinator has been designated. The Game Coordinator shall attend the pre-game plate meeting per rule.


9.05 – 

(c) APPROVED LOCAL RULING:  The disciplinary committee shall consist of the President, The Umpire in Chief, the VP of Operations and the VP Player Agent. Additional board members may be included if necessary. This committee is responsible for determining penalties for ejected managers, coaches, and players in accordance with rule 9.05 (c).


 Player Pool Rules

A pool of players from existing regular season teams can be created with players that are willing to participate in extra games during the regular season.  These pool players will be utilized when a team scheduled to play encounters a shortage of players from their existing roster.  The pool of players must be part of the same division for which there exists a shortage.  

  1. The league’s Player Agent will create player pools for the Majors and AAA Divisions.  In conjunction with the respective Division Commissioners, the Player Agent will assign players to play for other teams in need of players.

  2. When a manager is certain or suspects that the team will not have enough rostered players to start a game, the managers will submit a request to the Player Agent in order to initiate the pool replacement process.

  3. All consideration will be given to account for the potential replacement pool player’s regularly scheduled games.  Players in the pool will be requested to play, but it is not mandatory that they accept the assignment.

  4. Majors Division pool players who are assigned and attend the game must play at least 9 consecutive defensive outs and bat at least once and last in the batting order.  They will not be allowed to pitch in the game.  Should a regular 9th rostered player arrive late to the game, he/she should be entered into the game, but the above replacement pool player minimum time must be met. The pool player will remain in the lineup in their spot in the continuous batting order. 

  5. Penalties for not adhering to the rules can result in temporary or permanent suspension of the manager. 

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