When will volunteer slots be available for sign up?
Generally, we release volunteer positions in two batches. Toward the end of February, when schedules are finalized, we do an initial release of positions, and mid-season we add more for needs that have come up. You will see an email from the league announcing the release of positions but can also check out the SignUpGenius pages directly.
I have been asked to complete a background check for volunteering. Is this legitimate? Is this safe?
In order to ensure the safety of all players, volunteer checks are sent out to families who volunteer through an organization called JD Palatine, which does background checks for all Little League families across the country. This is both safe and legitimate. We do understand that some are uncomfortable sharing information such as social security number but the reality is that Little League International requires background checks for all volunteers so please consider this a hard requirement.
Who is fingerprinting required for?
Little League International requires adults who are spending more than 16 hrs/month with the players to undergo a fingerprinting check. This includes but is not limited to: Manager, assistant coach, other coaching assistants, commissioners, and board members. We partner with Live Scan to provide free fingerprinting on Opening Day, and if you are unable to make it you may visit any Live Scan location and pay without reimbursement. Fingerprinting once covers you for your duration in Little League, so if you already have done one through the league there is no need to do it again. We also do an annual audit to remove past coaches/volunteers who are no longer working 16 hrs with the players.
What happens if I am unable to complete my 6 hr volunteer requirement by the end of the year?
We do an audit of volunteer hours toward the end of the year. If you haven't completed your hours, we do reach out to ask for $750 "buy-out" which is also offered during the registration process.
How far in advance will we be notified if a game is rained out?
While we try to give as much advance notice as possible for a game cancellation, the reality is that a combination of field conditions, current weather and forecasted weather all play a part in the decision and could make for a last-minute change. Typically, we try to let teams and volunteers know at least a few hours ahead of time. Please keep an eye out for an email from SignUpGenius letting you know of the cancellation. By default, we tend to try to play as many games as possible because rescheduling creates a headache for many involved.
What happens if a volunteer slot is rained out?
If your slot is cancelled due to weather, there is unfortunately no credit given because the game needs to be rescheduled and we need coverage. We do not carry forward the same volunteers for a rescheduled game because of potential date/time conflicts, so you will need to go into SignUp Genius and find a new position to fulfill your hours.
I assist the Manager and Assistant Coach - will this count toward my volunteer hours?
There are two formal coaching positions that count toward volunteer hours - the manager and assistant coach. While we know that it can take a village to make sure the players have a good experience with extra support during practice and games, the league has taken a firm stance that we cannot have unlimited volunteer roles allocated to coaching since we have other positions that need to be filled. We are extremely grateful of the work that all of the extra assistants put in day-in and day-out.
I've never volunteered before - how will I know what to do?
Each of the volunteer slots has a brief description within SignUpGenius. For activities around the field such as field prep or AA fence setup, team managers on the field can typically answer any question you have about the roles. If you have questions about the Baggerly or Balzer snack shacks, our Concessions Director has put together opening and closing guidelines to assist.
Who do I reach out to if I have a question?
Please send an email to our Director of Volunteers, Risa Harrison.